diff --git a/applications/fetcher/Browser.okm b/applications/fetcher/Browser.okm index 118b754..5403486 100644 --- a/applications/fetcher/Browser.okm +++ b/applications/fetcher/Browser.okm @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ MODULE Browser; (* find the first space in the name *) j := 7; WHILE j DO - IF GETCHAR(PTROF(browserFileList) + (i * 11) + j) # 32 THEN + IF GETCHAR(PTROF(browserFileList) + (browserPage * 11 * 12) + (i * 11) + j) # 32 THEN BREAK(); END; j := j - 1; @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ MODULE Browser; (* j now equals the index of where the file name ends and the extension begins *) PUTCHAR(browserFileListFriendly[i] + j, 46); - copy_memory_bytes(PTROF(browserFileList) + (i * 11) + 8, browserFileListFriendly[i] + j + 1, 3); + copy_memory_bytes(PTROF(browserFileList) + (browserPage * 11 * 12) + (i * 11) + 8, browserFileListFriendly[i] + j + 1, 3); PUTCHAR(browserFileListFriendly[i] + j + 4, 0); i := i + 1;