97 lines
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97 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Get where
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as H
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Typed as PG
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Text
import Text.Read
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Bifunctor
import ICAFocus
import DBConfig
PG.useTPGDatabase myPGDatabase
data GetError
= ICAFocusAPIError (H.Response ByteString)
| DecodeError String
| ProductNotCached
| OutdatedEntry
| UniqueKeyViolation -- ^ should never happen
instance Show GetError where
show (ICAFocusAPIError r) = "ICAFocusAPIError { responseStatus = " ++ show (H.responseStatus r) ++ " }"
show (DecodeError e) = "DecodeError: " ++ e
show ProductNotCached = "ProductNotCached"
show OutdatedEntry = "OutdatedEntry"
show UniqueKeyViolation = "UniqueKeyViolation (should not be possible (what is postgres bro doing))"
type GetM = ExceptT GetError IO
loadProductData :: ProductID -> GetM ICAFocusData
loadProductData productId = do
req <- H.parseRequest $ apiEndpoint productId
resp <- liftIO $ H.httpLbs req =<< H.newManager H.tlsManagerSettings
unless (H.responseStatus resp == status200) (throwError $ ICAFocusAPIError resp)
liftEither . first DecodeError . eitherDecode $ H.responseBody resp
-- Fetches the image of a product, returning the product with the image data
finalizeProductImage :: ICAFocusData -> GetM ICAFocusProduct
finalizeProductImage x = do
req <- H.parseRequest $ (getLink . image) x
resp <- liftIO $ H.httpLbs req =<< H.newManager H.tlsManagerSettings
unless (H.responseStatus resp == status200) (throwError $ ICAFocusAPIError resp)
pure $ const (ImageData (H.responseBody resp)) <$> x
loadProduct :: ProductID -> GetM ICAFocusProduct
loadProduct = loadProductData >=> finalizeProductImage
fetchProduct :: PG.PGConnection -> ProductID -> GetM ICAFocusProduct
fetchProduct pg productId = do
datas <- liftIO $ PG.pgQuery pg [PG.pgSQL|
SELECT name, costPerKg, costPerUnit, image, fetchedAt + '24h' < now()
FROM ingredient_data
WHERE productId = ${productId}|]
case datas of
[] -> throwError ProductNotCached
_ : _ : _ -> throwError UniqueKeyViolation
[(_, _, _, _, Just True)] -> throwError OutdatedEntry
[(name, costPerKg, costPerUnit, image, _)] ->
pure $ ICAFocusItem name costPerKg costPerUnit (ImageData image)
cacheProduct :: PG.PGConnection -> ProductID -> ICAFocusProduct -> IO ()
cacheProduct pg productId product =
void $ PG.pgExecute pg [PG.pgSQL|
INSERT INTO ingredient_data (productId, name, costPerKg, costPerUnit, image, fetchedAt)
VALUES (${productId}, ${name product}, ${costPerKg product}, ${costPerUnit product}, ${getData (image product)}, now())
ON CONFLICT (productId)
DO UPDATE SET name = excluded.name, costPerKg = excluded.costPerKg, costPerUnit = excluded.costPerUnit, image = excluded.image, fetchedAt = excluded.fetchedAt|]
getProduct :: PG.PGConnection -> ProductID -> GetM ICAFocusProduct
getProduct pg productId = do
liftIO (runExceptT (fetchProduct pg productId)) >>= \case
Right product -> pure product
Left ProductNotCached -> refresh
Left OutdatedEntry -> refresh
Left e -> throwError e
refresh = do
product <- loadProduct productId
liftIO $ cacheProduct pg productId product
pure product