# Goals * Be an efficent compilation target for typed lambda calculi * Be substantially easier to translate to than machine code. * Run cross-platform on as many operating systems and architectures as possible. (bare minimum 32-bit). * Allow for code completely independent of the host machine. * Leave memory managment out of the question for the compiler writer. * Provide significant IO functionality. * Provide efficient native methods for manipulating commonly used types * Strings (don't represent as a list of characters, god) * Characters * Integers * Floating point numbers * Raw bytes * Lists (cons linked list), efficient map, foldr, and filter instructions would be nice * Arrays (constant lookup continous memory) * Have methods for representing algebraic data types built into the machine. * Sums and products of arbitrary size, and methods for (de)constructing them. * Sums as tagged pairs since the machine is untyped * Instruction for tail recursion which takes the new parameters of the stack and resets the C pointer to where it last entered a closure. * Recursion instruction which functions as dup : app * GMP arithmetic * Some sort of pattern matching facility for matching on the first element of a pair, (the constructor). # Non-Goals * Safely error out or leave catchable exceptions when instruction is called with wrongful operands. * Dynamic linking, creating object files with polymorphic types. * Lazy evaluation. # Nicities (plausible) * Provide a compiler from a simply typed lambda calculus, coupled with a small standard library which would confirm type safety of all used instructions. Maybe go even further? System F? * Maybe some vector operations? You could reasonably operate on chunks of the stack. # Nicities (dreaming) * Provide more complete IO functionality, such as networking, etc. (this is not likely to happen) * Provide some sort of FFI (this is not likely to happen) * It's possible one might be able to JIT compile some stuff? # Encoding stuff * Common instructions are 1 byte and a lookup table is used to run a function executing said instruction. Less common instructions will have the first byte take them to a function which reads the next byte, allowing for a tree of instructions. * All words realistically **have** to be the same size for the stack to make sense. Which size should be used? This feels like it could easily become machine dependant. * Possibly go for the highest you have, 8 bytes? Would mean that performance would be god awful on 32 bit machines. I might be ok with that? Am I? * What about byte types, etc? Should we really allow that? It becomes a pain. Perhaps it is easiest to pretend computers do not exist and only deal with numbers? Only use GMP arithmetic then? * Possible set of builtin types: * Int64 - 64-bit signed integer * Word64 - 64-bit unsigned integer * Float - 64-bit double precision floating point number * Integer - GMP * Natural - GMP * Float - GMP * Rational - GMP * String - Like Data.Text * Char - 64-bit unicode codepoint. * List - Pointer to linked list * Array - Pointer to length tagged constant memory * Pair - Pointer to constant memory of length 2 # File Format stuff * Much like ELF, start of with header containing basic info, reserve some bytes for future additions, have field specifing version. Then have sections. * Code section, the initial C stack. * Global section, the initial G env. * Linkable and Executable. Linkables have some sort of symbol table for wanted symbols, as well as a list of files it wishes to link with. The linker, or perhaps the VM, when loading, will then lookup these files in a global search path, perform substitution with the symbols to create an Executable file with a complete global table. * Must realise an encoding for closures, products and GMP numbers to be used in globals.