
99 lines
2.8 KiB

module Convert
import Term
import Value
import Misc
import Normalize
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Either
import Data.Nat
import Data.Vect
%default total
{- TODO: I should throw eval, eval, convert into a helper sometime -}
public export
convert : Value -> Value -> PI Bool
convert u1 u2 = do
u1' <- whnf u1
u2' <- whnf u2
logS ("checking equality of terms '" ++ show u1 ++ "' and '" ++ show u2 ++ "'.")
logS ("with value representations '" ++ show u1' ++ "' and '" ++ show u2' ++ "'.")
assert_total $ -- :(
case (u1', u2') of
(VType, VType) => pure True
(VTop, VTop) => pure True
(VStar, VStar) => pure True
(VBot, VBot) => pure True
(VNat, VNat) => pure True
(VNatTr n, VNatTr m) => pure (n == m)
(VApp f1 x1, VApp f2 x2) => (&&) <$> convert f1 f2 <*> delay <$> convert x1 x2
(VGen k1, VGen k2) => pure (k1 == k2)
(VPair a1 b1, VPair a2 b2) => (&&) <$> convert a1 a2 <*> delay <$> convert b1 b2
(VClos env1 (TLam sc1), VClos env2 (TLam sc2)) => do
v <- VGen <$> fresh
convert (VClos (v :: env1) sc1) (VClos (v :: env2) sc2)
(VClos env1 (TPi a1 b1), VClos env2 (TPi a2 b2)) => do
v <- VGen <$> fresh
guard =<< convert (VClos env1 a1) (VClos env2 a2)
convert (VClos (v :: env1) b1) (VClos (v :: env2) b2)
(VClos env1 (TTopInd c1 st1), VClos env2 (TTopInd c2 st2)) => do
c1' <- eval env1 c1
c2' <- eval env2 c2
guard =<< convert c1' c2'
st1' <- eval env1 st1
st2' <- eval env2 st2
convert st1' st2'
(VClos env1 (TBotInd c1), VClos env2 (TBotInd c2)) => do
c1' <- eval env1 c1
c2' <- eval env2 c2
convert c1' c2'
-- lmao
(VClos env1 (TNatInd c1 z1 s1), VClos env2 (TNatInd c2 z2 s2)) => do
c1' <- eval env1 c1
c2' <- eval env2 c2
guard =<< convert c1' c2'
z1' <- eval env1 z1
z2' <- eval env2 z2
guard =<< convert z1' z2'
s1' <- eval env1 s1
s2' <- eval env2 s2
convert s1' s2'
(VClos env1 (TSigma a1 b1), VClos env2 (TSigma a2 b2)) => do
a1' <- eval env1 a1
a2' <- eval env2 a2
guard =<< convert a1' a2'
b1' <- eval env1 b1
b2' <- eval env2 b2
convert b1' b2'
(VClos env1 (TSigInd a1 b1 c1 f1), VClos env2 (TSigInd a2 b2 c2 f2)) => do
a1' <- eval env1 a1
a2' <- eval env2 a2
guard =<< convert a1' a2'
b1' <- eval env1 b1
b2' <- eval env2 b2
guard =<< convert b1' b2'
c1' <- eval env1 c1
c2' <- eval env2 c2
guard =<< convert c1' c2'
f1' <- eval env1 f1
f2' <- eval env2 f2
convert f1' f2'
_ => pure False