
56 lines
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module Normalize
import Term
import Value
import Ctx
import Misc
import Data.Nat
%default total
-- There is some nasty assert_total here since I cannot solve the halting problem
public export
asTerm : NF -> Term 0
asTerm NType = TType
asTerm (NLam ty sc) = TLam (asTerm ty) sc
asTerm (NPi ty sc) = TPi (asTerm ty) sc
public export
fromNF : NF -> Glue
fromNF nf = MkGlue (asTerm nf) (const (pure nf))
substStep : {n,m : _} -> Term m -> LTE m n -> Term (S n) -> Term n
substStep {m = m} tr p tr' = case tr' of -- case somehow needed for idris not to loop over metavariable
TType => TType
(TLam ty sc) => TLam (substStep tr p ty) (substStep tr (lteSuccRight p) sc)
(TPi ty sc) => TPi (substStep tr p ty) (substStep tr (lteSuccRight p) sc)
(TApp f x) => TApp (substStep tr p f) (substStep tr p x)
(TVar i p) => case natEqDecid m i of
Left p => ?que1
Right p => ?que2
evalClosure : {n : Nat} -> Closure Term 0 -> PI (Term n)
evalClosure (MkClosure ctx term) = eval [] ctx term >>= pure . weaken0 . asTerm
public export
eval : {n : Nat} -> List (Closure Term 0) -> Ctx Term n -> Term n -> PI NF
eval stack env TType = pure NType
-- dirty
eval (thunk :: stack) env (TLam _ sc) = eval stack (!(assert_total (evalClosure thunk)) :: env) sc
eval stack env (TApp f x) = eval (MkClosure env x :: stack) env x
eval stack env (TVar m p) = assert_total $ eval stack (strengthenTo env minusLte) (lookup m env p)
eval stack env (TPi ty sc) = ?idk
eval [] env (TLam ty sc) = ?what
public export
fromTerm : Term 0 -> Glue
fromTerm term = MkGlue term (eval [] Nil)