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module Term
import Data.Nat
import Misc
%default total
The type of terms is indexed by the size of the environment in which
they are valid, that is, it is impossible to construct an ill-scoped term.
public export
data Term : (_ : Index) -> Type where
TType : Term n -- Type of types
TLam : Term (S n) -> Term n -- Lambda abstraction (λ _ . Scope)
TPi : Term n -> Term (S n) -> Term n -- Pi type (∏ _ : A . B _ )
TApp : Term n -> Term n -> Term n -- Appliction
TVar : (n : Nat) -> LT n m -> Term m -- Variable
public export
Show (Term n) where
show TType = "TType"
show (TLam sc) = "TLam (" ++ show sc ++ ")"
show (TPi ty sc) = "TPi (" ++ show ty ++ ") (" ++ show sc ++ ")"
show (TApp f x) = "TApp (" ++ show f ++ ") (" ++ show x ++ ")"
show (TVar i _) = "TVar " ++ show i
public export
weaken : {p, q : _} -> LTE p q -> Term p -> Term q
weaken _ TType = TType
weaken p (TLam sc) = TLam (weaken (LTESucc p) sc)
weaken p (TPi a bx) = TPi (weaken p a) (weaken (LTESucc p) bx)
weaken p (TApp f x) = TApp (weaken p f) (weaken p x)
Getting new index
New index is
old + Δctx
in this case
r + (q - p)
which since p <= q is equivalent to
(r + q) - p
Proving validity of new index
r < p => (+mono)
r + q < p + q => (-mono)
(r + q) - p < (p + q) - p => (lteTransp -+)
(r + q) - p < q ∎
weaken {p = S p} {q = S q} (LTESucc p1) (TVar r p2' ) =
case p2' of
LTESucc p2 => TVar (minus (r + q) p)
(LTESucc (lteTransp (minusLteMonotone (plusLteMonotoneRight q r p p2)) Refl (minusPlus p)))
weaken1 : {n : _} -> Term n -> Term (S n)
weaken1 = weaken lteS