{ extra, config, ... }: { programs.plasma = { enable = true; overrideConfig = true; workspace = { lookAndFeel = "org.kde.breezedark.desktop"; } // (if config.i3-plasma then {} else { wallpaper = "${extra.wall}"; }); kscreenlocker = { appearance.wallpaper = "${extra.wall}"; }; hotkeys.commands = if config.i3-plasma then {} else ({ "launch-terminal" = { name = "Launch terminal"; key = "Meta+Return"; command = "wezterm"; }; "cpypsk" = { name = "Launch cpypsk"; key = "Meta+p"; command = "${extra.cpypsk}"; }; } // (if config.mcsr then { "eye" = { name = "eye zoom"; key = "Alt+PgUp"; command = "${extra.eyezoom} eye"; }; "default" = { name = "default zoom"; key = "Alt+PgDown"; command = "${extra.eyezoom} default"; }; "thin" = { name = "thin zoom"; key = "Alt+End"; command = "${extra.eyezoom} tiktok"; }; "wide" = { name = "wide zoom"; key = "Alt+Home"; command = "${extra.eyezoom} wide"; }; } else {})); fonts = { general = { family = "SAX2 Nerd Font"; pointSize = 10; }; }; powerdevil = { AC.whenLaptopLidClosed = "hibernate"; battery.whenLaptopLidClosed = "hibernate"; lowBattery.whenLaptopLidClosed = "hibernate"; }; panels = [ { location = if config.i3-plasma then "top" else "bottom"; floating = true; height = if config.i3-plasma then 36 else 44; widgets = let clock = { digitalClock = { calendar.firstDayOfWeek = "monday"; time.format = "24h"; }; }; spacer = { name = "org.kde.plasma.panelspacer"; config = { General.expanding = true; }; }; desktop = "org.kde.plasma.plasm6desktopindicator"; nolaunchtasks = { name = "org.kde.plasma.icontasks"; config = { General.launchers = [ ]; }; }; launchtasks = { name = "org.kde.plasma.icontasks"; config = { General.launchers = [ "applications:thunderbird.desktop" "applications:org.wezfurlong.wezterm.desktop" "applications:firefox.desktop" "applications:discord.desktop" ]; }; }; kickoff = { name = "org.kde.plasma.kickoff"; config = { General.icon = "nix-snowflake-white"; }; }; systray = { systemTray.items = { shown = [ "org.kde.plasma.battery" "org.kde.plasma.bluetooth" "org.kde.plasma.networkmanagement" "org.kde.plasma.volume" ]; }; }; in if config.i3-plasma then [ clock spacer desktop spacer nolaunchtasks systray ] else [ kickoff launchtasks systray clock ]; } ]; configFile."kcminputrc" = { "Mouse"."X11LibInputXAccelProfileFlat" = true; "Mouse"."XLbInptPointerAcceleration" = 0; }; configFile."startkderc" = if config.i3-plasma then { "General"."systemdBoot" = false; # needed to use i3 in place of KWin } else {}; }; home.packages = [ extra.rc2nix ]; }