mpdart ====== ![preview gif](preview.gif) mpdart is a simple X application that displays the album art of the currently playing mpd song and lets you toggle play pause. It spends almost all of it's time idle and only uses `0.1%` of my RAM and `0.0%` of my CPU according to top. Depends ------- C compiler make libX11 libmpdclient libim2 pkg-config # optional build time dependency Building -------- ./ make make install # supports PREFIX and DESTDIR Usage ----- There are four flags: mpdart -d musicdir -h host -p port -t timeout # timeout is milliseconds Though all but -d have default values: mpdart -d ~/music These options can also be configured in the enviorment variables `MPDART_DIR`, `MPDART_HOST`, `MPDART_PORT`, and `MPDART_TIMEOUT`. To make these changes persistent, export them in your `~/.profile`. Once mpdart is running you can left click the window to toggle mpd's pause/play or right click it to close it. Contributing ------------ ### Pull requests If you like github you can contribute by sending in a pull request at ### Patches If you don't like github you can contribute by emailing me at depsterr at protonmail dot com with the output of git format-patch after you've commited your changes to your local tree. Credits ------- Big thanks to my friend wooosh for helping me debug and develop this :)