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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Module : Kino.Request
Description : Contains code for issuing http requests
Contains code for issuing http requests
module Kino.Request (setMovies, defaultOptions) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson hiding (defaultOptions)
import Network.Wreq hiding (Options)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Wreq as WR (Options)
import Kino.Types
import Kino.Misc
-- | Sends a request and unwraps the top level respone data structure
makeRequest :: (FromJSON a) => String -> WR.Options -> IO (Either T.Text a)
makeRequest url opts = do
r <- asJSON =<< getWith opts url
pure $ case r ^. responseBody of
(JSONResponse "ok" _ (Just d)) -> Right d
(JSONResponse _ m _) -> Left m
-- | Sends a request with the given parameters
getMovies :: WR.Options -> IO (Either SomeException (Either T.Text JSONListMovies))
getMovies = try . makeRequest ""
-- | The default options for our requests
defaultOptions :: WR.Options
defaultOptions = defaults & param "limit" .~ ["50"]
& param "page" .~ ["1"]
-- | Updates the state following a new movie request
setMovies :: AppS -> IO AppS
setMovies s = do
m <- getMovies ((s ^. appReqOpts) & param "page" .~ [T.pack (show (s ^. appPage))])
pure $ case m of
(Left e) -> displayMessage s True (displayException e)
(Right r) -> case r of
(Left t) -> displayMessage s False (T.unpack t)
(Right l) -> s & appListing .~ l
& appCursor .~ 0
& appExpanded .~ False
& appDetails .~ (moviesMovies l !? 0)