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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
Module : UI.Widgets
Description : This is the code which builds the Brick frontend
module UI.Widgets where
import Brick
import Brick.Main
import Brick.Widgets.Center
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Brick.AttrMap (attrMap)
import Graphics.Vty (defAttr)
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Lens.Micro
import Data.Maybe
import JSONTypes
import Request
import Misc
import AppTypes
import Torrent
-- | Wrap a widget in the selected attribute
select :: Widget Ident -> Widget Ident
select = withAttr (attrName "selected")
-- | Given a movie and a tuple of widgets and state, append the
-- movie to the widgets. Used by movieWidgets
widgetCons :: JSONMovie -> (Widget Ident, AppS) -> (Widget Ident, AppS)
widgetCons m (w, s) =
embed $ if Just m == (s ^. appDetails)
then select . visible $
if s ^. appExpanded
then expandedWidget s m
else movieWidget s m
else movieWidget s m
embed x = (x <=> w, s)
-- | Returns a big list of all movies
movieWidgets :: AppS -> Widget Ident
movieWidgets s = let (items, _) = foldr widgetCons (emptyWidget, s) (moviesMovies (s ^. appListing))
in items
-- | Returns a single movie listing
movieWidget :: AppS -> JSONMovie -> Widget Ident
movieWidget s m = txt (movieTitle m) <+> padLeft Max (str (show (movieYear m)))
-- | Returns an expanded movie listing showing additional info
expandedWidget :: AppS -> JSONMovie -> Widget Ident
expandedWidget s m = movieWidget s m
<=> (padRight (Pad 3) (str "Rating") <+> str (show (movieRating m)))
<=> (padRight (Pad 1) (str "Language") <+> txt (movieLanguage m))
<=> (padRight (Pad 3) (str "Genres") <+> txt (T.intercalate ", " (movieGenres m)))
<=> (padRight (Pad 2) (str "Magnets") <+> str (listTorrents m))
<=> (padRight (Pad 2) (str "Summary") <+> txtWrap (movieSummary m))
-- | The search mode widget. Uses the brick built in Editor widget
searchWidget :: AppS -> Widget Ident
searchWidget s = center $ border $
padAll 1 (editorRenderer (s ^. appEditor))
<=> padAll 1 (hCenter (str "[Press enter to search]"))
editorRenderer :: Editor T.Text Ident -> Widget Ident
editorRenderer e = renderEditor render True e
render :: [T.Text] -> Widget Ident
render [] = txt "Enter query term" $> withAttr editAttr
render [""] = txt "Enter query term" $> withAttr editAttr
render (t:_) = txt t
-- | The browse mode widget which returns a full listing of movies
-- or reports that there are no movies to list
browseWidget :: AppS -> Widget Ident
browseWidget s =
str "Title" <+> padLeft Max (str "Year")
<=> viewport Listing Vertical (movieWidgets s)
-- | The message widget which simply shows a message and informs
-- the user of how to escape
messageWidget :: AppS -> Widget Ident
messageWidget s = center $ border $
padAll 1 (hCenter (str (fromMaybe "Unkown Error!" (s ^. appMessage))))
<=> padAll 1 (hCenter (str ("[Press any key to " <> action <> "]")))
action = if s ^. appContinue
then "continue"
else "exit"