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Module : Kino.Torrent
Description : Contains code for formatting torrent info and retrieving magnet links
Contains code for formatting torrent info and retrieving magnet links
module Kino.Torrent (listTorrents, toMagnets) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Network.HTTP.Base
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Kino.Types
-- | A list of recommended trackers
trackerList :: [String]
trackerList = [ "udp://"
, "udp://"
, "udp://"
, "udp://"
, "udp://"
, "udp://"
, "udp://"
, "udp://"
-- | A string to be embedded into the magnet link
trackerString :: String
trackerString = "&tr=" <> intercalate "&tr=" trackerList
-- | Creates a String enumerating and listing the different torrents
-- quality and amount of peers
listTorrents :: JSONMovie -> String
listTorrents m = intercalate ", " (zipWith3 (\x y z -> x ++ y ++ z) numbers qualities seeders)
qualities = map quality (movieTorrents m)
seeders = map (\x -> ' ':'(':seeds x ++ ")") (movieTorrents m)
numbers = map (\x -> '[':show x ++ "] ") ([1..] :: [Int])
seeds = show . torrentSeeds
quality = T.unpack . torrentQuality
-- | Creates a list of magnet names given a movie
toMagnets :: JSONMovie -> [String]
toMagnets m = map (toMagnet name . hash) torrents
name = T.unpack (movieTitleLong m)
hash = T.unpack . torrentHash
torrents = movieTorrents m
-- | Takes the longName of a movie and a torrent hash and returns
-- a valid magnet link
toMagnet :: String -> String -> String
toMagnet longName hash = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:" <> hash <> "&dn"
<> urlEncode longName <> trackerString