added sorting modes

Rachel Lambda Samuelsson 2021-10-10 16:39:47 +02:00
parent 879fd536d6
commit 47454593d7
4 changed files with 72 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ defaultOptions = defaults & param "limit" .~ ["50"]
-- | Updates the state following a new movie request
setMovies :: AppS -> IO AppS
setMovies s = do
m <- getMovies ((s ^. appReqOpts) & param "page" .~ [T.pack (show (s ^. appPage))])
m <- getMovies $ (s ^. appReqOpts) & param "page" .~ [T.pack (show (s ^. appPage))]
& param "sort_by" .~ [T.pack (show (s ^. appSort))]
& param "order_by" .~ [T.pack (show (s ^. appSortMode))]
pure $ case m of
(Left e) -> displayMessage s True (displayException e)
(Right r) -> case r of

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ instance FromJSON JSONMovie where
<*> v .: "year"
<*> v .: "rating"
<*> v .: "runtime"
<*> v .: "genres"
<*> v .:? "genres" .!= []
<*> v .: "summary"
<*> v .: "language"
<*> v .: "torrents"
@ -115,7 +115,26 @@ data SortOrder
| Downloads
| Likes
| UploadDate
deriving (Eq, Show)
deriving (Eq)
instance Show SortOrder where
show Title = "title"
show Year = "year"
show Rating = "rating"
show Seeds = "seeds"
show Downloads = "download_count"
show Likes = "like_count"
show UploadDate = "date_added"
-- | Used to choose how to sort
data SortMode
= Ascending
| Descending
deriving (Eq)
instance Show SortMode where
show Ascending = "asc"
show Descending = "desc"
-- | Used for scrolling
data ScrollDirection = Up | Down
@ -134,6 +153,7 @@ data AppS = AppS
, _appEditor :: Editor T.Text Ident -- ^ The state for the editor widget
, _appReqOpts :: WR.Options -- ^ The options to use to make our requests
, _appSort :: SortOrder -- ^ The order to display the listings in
, _appSortMode :: SortMode -- ^ If to sort ascending or descending
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''AppS

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@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ This is the code which interacts with Brick
module Kino.UI (runApp) where
import Data.Char
import Brick hiding (Direction(..))
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (handleEditorEvent, editorText, editAttr, getEditContents)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
@ -40,6 +42,8 @@ initialState = AppS
, _appContinue = True
, _appEditor = editorText Input (Just 1) mempty
, _appReqOpts = defaultOptions
, _appSort = UploadDate
, _appSortMode = Descending
-- | Our brick app specification
@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ draw s = pure $ case s ^. appMode of
Browse -> browseWidget s
Search -> searchWidget s
Message -> messageWidget s
Sort -> sortWidget
-- | Currently just showFirstCursor
@ -107,6 +112,11 @@ copyMagnet s i = case (do
(Just magnet) -> do
liftIO (setClipboardString magnet)
continue (displayMessage s False "Copied magnet link to clipboard!")
-- | Continue with a new sort mode
setSort :: AppS -> SortOrder -> EventM Ident (Next AppS)
setSort st so = continue =<< (liftIO $ setMovies (st & appSort .~ so
& appMode .~ Browse))
-- | The event handler, takes care of keyboard events.
eventHandler :: AppS -> BrickEvent Ident () -> EventM Ident (Next AppS)
@ -118,14 +128,22 @@ eventHandler s (VtyEvent e@(EvKey k _)) =
else halt s
Sort -> case k of
(KChar 't') -> undefined
(KChar 'y') -> undefined
(KChar 'r') -> undefined
(KChar 's') -> undefined
(KChar 'd') -> undefined
(KChar 'l') -> undefined
(KChar 'u') -> undefined
_ -> undefined
(KChar c) -> let s' = s & appSortMode .~ if isUpper c then Ascending else Descending
in case toLower c of
't' -> setSort s' Title
'y' -> setSort s' Year
'r' -> setSort s' Rating
's' -> setSort s' Seeds
'd' -> setSort s' Downloads
'l' -> setSort s' Likes
'u' -> setSort s' UploadDate
'q' -> continue (s & appMode .~ Browse)
_ -> continueWithoutRedraw s
_ -> continueWithoutRedraw s
Search -> case k of
(KEnter) -> do
@ -133,6 +151,7 @@ eventHandler s (VtyEvent e@(EvKey k _)) =
newS <- liftIO (setMovies (s & appReqOpts %~ (\o -> o & param "query_term" .~ [queryText])
& appPage .~ 1))
continue (newS & appMode .~ Browse)
_ -> continue =<< handleEventLensed s appEditor handleEditorEvent e
Browse -> case k of
@ -163,7 +182,9 @@ eventHandler s (VtyEvent e@(EvKey k _)) =
(KChar '9') -> copyMagnet s 9
(KChar '/') -> continue (s & appMode .~ Search)
(KChar 's') -> continue (s & appMode .~ Search)
(KChar 'f') -> continue (s & appMode .~ Search)
(KChar 's') -> continue (s & appMode .~ Sort)
_ -> continueWithoutRedraw s

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ Description : This is the code which builds the Brick frontend
This is the code which builds the Brick frontend
module Kino.UI.Widgets (messageWidget, searchWidget, browseWidget) where
module Kino.UI.Widgets (messageWidget, searchWidget, browseWidget, sortWidget) where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
@ -97,3 +97,19 @@ messageWidget s = center $ border $
action = if s ^. appContinue
then "continue"
else "exit"
-- | The sort widget which simply shows the different sorting modees
-- and informs the the user of how to set each one.
sortWidget :: Widget Ident
sortWidget = center $ border $ hCenter $
padAll 1 (str "Sort by:\n\
\(Tt) Title\n\
\(Yy) Year\n\
\(Rr) Rating\n\
\(Ss) Seeds\n\
\(Dd) Downloads\n\
\(Ll) Likes\n\
\(Uu) Upload Date\n\n\
\Upper case ascending\n\
\Lower case descending")
<=> padAll 1 (hCenter (str "[Press q to close this menu]"))