
37 lines
705 B

module T = Term
module C = Common
type lvl = Lvl of int
type closure = C of env * T.term
and closure2 = C2 of env * T.term (* 2 variables missing *)
and env = value list
and value
= Type
| T0
| T1
| T1vl
| TNat
| Suc of value
| Zero
| TBool
| True
| False
| Pi of value * closure
| Lam of closure
| Sg of value * closure
| Pair of value * value
| Stuck of stuck * value (* second arg is type *)
and stuck
= Var of lvl
| Meta of C.meta
| Ind0 of closure * stuck
| IndN of closure * value * closure2 * stuck
| IndB of closure * value * value * stuck
| App of stuck * value * value (* fn; val; type of fn *)
| Fst of stuck
| Snd of stuck