did work on evaluation

Rachel Lambda Samuelsson 2022-08-30 16:12:47 +02:00
parent 75f4dea650
commit 354705afe5
3 changed files with 58 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -1,34 +1,58 @@
module V = Value
module T = Term
let rec index : V.env -> int -> V.value
= fun env i ->
match env with
| [] -> failwith "Can't happen"
| x :: xs -> if i < 1 then x else index xs (i-1)
let rec index (env : V.env) (i : int) =
match env with
| [] -> failwith "Can't happen"
| x :: xs -> if i < 1 then x else index xs (i-1)
let rec eval : V.env -> t.term -> V.value
= fun env tr ->
match tr with
| Var i -> index env i
| Type -> V.Type
| T0 -> V.T0
| Ind0 (B b, t) -> failwith "todo"
| T1 -> V.T1
| T1tr -> V.T1tr
| Ind1 (B b, t1 tr) -> failwith "todo"
| TNat -> V.TNat
| Zero -> V.Zero
| Suc n -> failwith "todo"
| IndN (B b, tz, B B ts, n) -> failwith "todo"
| TBool -> failwith "todo"
| True -> failwith "todo"
| False -> failwith "todo"
| IndB (B b, tt, tf, b) -> failwith "todo"
| Pi (dom, B cod) -> failwith "todo"
| Lam (B body) -> failwith "todo"
| App (f, x) -> failwith "todo"
| Sg (ty, tr) -> failwith "todo"
| Pair (x, y) -> failwith "todo"
| Fst tr -> failwith "todo"
| Snd tr -> failwith "todo"
let rec eval (env : V.env) (tr : T.term) =
match tr with
| Var (Ix i) -> index env i
| Type -> V.Type
| T0 -> V.T0
| Ind0 (B b, t) -> begin
match eval env t with
| Stuck (s , T0) -> V.Stuck (V.Ind0 (V.C (env, b), s), V.T0)
| _ -> failwith "eval Ind0 impossible error"
| T1 -> V.T1
| T1tr -> V.T1vl
| TNat -> V.TNat
| Zero -> V.Zero
| Suc n -> V.Suc (eval env n)
| IndN (B b, tz, B B ts, n) -> indN env b (eval env tz) ts (eval env n)
| TBool -> V.TBool
| True -> V.True
| False -> V.False
| IndB (B b, t, f, bo) -> begin
match eval env bo with
| True -> eval env t
| False -> eval env f
| Stuck (s, TBool) -> V.Stuck (V.IndB (V.C (env, b), eval env t, eval env f, s), V.TBool)
| _ -> failwith "eval IndB impossible error"
| Pi (dom, B cod) -> V.Pi (eval env dom, V.C (env, cod))
| Lam (B scope) -> V.Lam (C (env, scope))
| App (f, x) -> app (eval env f) (eval env x)
| Sg (ty, B tr) -> V.Sg (eval env ty, V.C (env, tr))
| Pair (x, y) -> V.Pair (eval env x, eval env y)
| Fst tr -> fst (eval env tr)
| Snd tr -> snd (eval env tr)
(* B b, B B ts *)
and indN (env : V.env) (b : T.term) (tz : V.value) (ts : T.term) (n : V.value) =
match n with
| Zero -> tz
| Suc m -> eval (indN env b tz ts m :: m :: env) ts
| Stuck (s, TNat) -> V.Stuck (V.IndN (V.C (env, b), tz, V.C2 (env, ts), s), V.TNat)
| _ -> failwith "eval IndN impossible error"
and app (f : V.value) (x : V.value) =
failwith "todo"
and fst (p : V.value) =
failwith "todo"
and snd (p : V.value) =
failwith "todo"

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@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ type term
| Ind0 of term binder * term
| T1
| T1tr
| Ind1 of term binder * term * term
| T1tr (* Unit eta rule instead of elimination principle *)
| TNat
| Zero

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@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ module T = Term
type lvl = Lvl of int
type closure = C of env * T.term
type closure = C of env * T.term
and closure2 = C2 of env * T.term (* 2 variables missing *)
and env = value list
@ -26,8 +27,7 @@ and value
and stuck
= Var of lvl
| Ind0 of closure * stuck
| Ind1 of closure * value * stuck
| IndN of closure * value * closure * stuck
| IndN of closure * value * closure2 * stuck
| IndB of closure * value * value * stuck
| App of stuck * value * value (* fn; val; type of fn *)
| Fst of stuck