
178 lines
4.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections, FlexibleInstances #-}
module TC where
import Control.Monad.Reader hiding (guard)
import Control.Monad.State hiding (guard)
import Control.Monad.Except hiding (guard)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Type
import Misc
import Prelude hiding (map)
map :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
map = fmap
runCheck :: CheckState -> Check a -> (Either TypeError a, CheckState)
runCheck s = (flip runState) s . runExceptT . getCheck
-- I'm still not quite sure how replicateM works, but in this instance it is
-- used to generate a list of strings "a", "b" ... "z", "aa", "ab" ... so on
-- Does it make sense to start with an empty state?
initialState :: CheckState
initialState = CS ([1..] >>= map (Id . T.pack) . flip replicateM ['a'..'z']) Nothing M.empty
getVars :: Check [Id]
getVars = variables <$> get
setVars :: [Id] -> Check ()
setVars ids = get >>= \s -> put (CS ids (lastPos s) (typeEnv s))
getEnv :: Check TypeEnv
getEnv = typeEnv <$> get
setEnv :: TypeEnv -> Check ()
setEnv env = get >>= \s -> put (CS (variables s) (lastPos s) env)
addEnv :: Id -> PolyT -> Check ()
addEnv i p = getEnv >>= setEnv . M.insert i p
localEnv :: TypeEnv -> Check a -> Check a
localEnv e m = getEnv >>= \o -> setEnv e >> m >>= \r -> setEnv o >> pure r
localEnv' :: Check a -> Check a
localEnv' m = getEnv >>= \o -> m >>= \r -> setEnv o >> pure r
-- returns p again to allow chaining into lambdacase
setPos :: Positioned p => p -> Check p
setPos p = get >>= \s -> put (CS (variables s) (pos p) (typeEnv s)) >> pure p
guard :: Applicative f => f () -> Bool -> f ()
guard _ True = pure ()
guard f False = f
class Substitutable a where
apply :: Subst -> a -> a -- ^ apply a substitution
free :: a -> Set Id -- ^ free type variables
instance Substitutable MonoT where
apply s = \case
TCon i -> TCon i
TVar i -> lookupDefault (TVar i) i s
(t1 `TArr` t2) -> apply s t1 `TArr` apply s t2
free = \case
TCon{} -> S.empty
TVar i -> S.singleton i
(t1 `TArr` t2) -> free t1 <> free t2
instance Substitutable PolyT where
apply s = \case
Forall as t -> Forall as (apply (foldr M.delete s as) t)
Mono t -> Mono (apply s t)
free = \case
Forall as t -> free t \\ as
Mono t -> free t
instance Substitutable TypeEnv where
apply s = map (apply s)
free = free . M.elems
instance Substitutable a => Substitutable [a] where
apply = map . apply
free = foldMap free
applyEnv :: Subst -> Check ()
applyEnv s = getEnv >>= setEnv . apply s
-- This substution, and that one
(<&>) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
(<&>) s1 s2 = map (apply s1) s2 <> s1
emptySubst :: Subst
emptySubst = M.empty
unify :: MonoT -> MonoT -> Check Subst
unify (l1 `TArr` r1) (l2 `TArr` r2) = do
s1 <- unify l1 l2
s2 <- unify (apply s1 r1) (apply s1 r2)
pure (s1 <&> s2)
unify (TVar i) t = bind i t
unify t (TVar i) = bind i t
unify (TCon i1) (TCon i2) | i1 == i2 = pure emptySubst
unify t1 t2 = throwError (UnificationFailure t1 t2)
bind :: Id -> MonoT -> Check Subst
bind i1 (TVar i2) | i1 == i2 = pure emptySubst
bind i t | S.member i (free t) = throwError (InfiniteType i t)
| otherwise = pure (M.singleton i t)
fresh :: Check MonoT
fresh = do
(var:vars) <- getVars
setVars vars
pure (TVar var)
-- replace polymorphic type variables with monomorphic ones
instantiate :: PolyT -> Check MonoT
instantiate (Mono t) = pure t
instantiate (Forall is t) = foldM freshInsert emptySubst is >>= pure . (flip apply) t
freshInsert :: Subst -> Id -> Check Subst
freshInsert s k = (\a -> M.insert k a s) <$> fresh
generalize :: MonoT -> Check PolyT
generalize t = getEnv >>= \env -> pure (Forall (free t \\ free env) t)
lookupType :: Id -> Check MonoT
lookupType i = getEnv >>= \env ->
case M.lookup i env of
Nothing -> throwError (UnboundVariable i)
Just t -> instantiate t
constructs :: Id -> MonoT -> Bool
constructs i (TArr _ t) = constructs i t
constructs i1 (TCon i2) = i1 == i2
constructs _ _ = False
infer :: Exp -> Check (Subst, MonoT)
infer = setPos >=> \case
Let _ [] e -> infer e
Let p ((i,e1):ies) e2 -> do
(s1, t1) <- infer e1
apply s1 <$> getEnv >>= \e -> localEnv e $ do
t1g <- generalize t1
addEnv i t1g
(s2, t2) <- infer (Let p ies e2)
pure (s2 <&> s1, t2)
Abs _ [] e -> infer e
Abs p (i:is) e -> localEnv' $ do
tv <- fresh
addEnv i (Forall S.empty tv)
(s, t) <- infer (Abs p is e)
pure (s, apply s tv `TArr` t)
App p e1 e2 -> localEnv' $ do
tv <- fresh
(s1, t1) <- infer e1
applyEnv s1
(s2, t2) <- infer e2
s3 <- unify (apply s2 t1) (TArr t2 tv)
return (s3 <&> s2 <&> s1, apply s3 tv)
App _ _ _ -> throwError Oop
Var _ i -> (emptySubst,) <$> lookupType i