
181 lines
4.0 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Type
( module Type
, Id(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.RWS
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hm.Abs (Id(..))
import qualified Hm.Abs as H (TypeSig'(..), TypeSig)
import Misc
import Prelude hiding (map)
data PolyT
= Forall (Set Id) MonoT -- ^ ∀ σ₁ σ₂ … σₙ. τ
| Mono MonoT -- ^ τ
deriving Show
infixr `TArr`
data MonoT
= TArr MonoT MonoT -- ^ function
| TVar Id -- ^ variable
| TCon Id -- ^ constant
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Pos = Maybe (Int, Int)
type TL = TL' Pos
data TL' a
= TypeDef a Id [Id] TypeEnv -- ^ name, parameters, constructors and recursor
| VarDef a Id PolyT Exp -- ^ name, declared type, expression
deriving Show
type Exp = Exp' Pos
data Exp' a
= Let a [(Id,Exp)] Exp
| Abs a [Id] Exp
| App a Exp [Exp]
| Var a Id
deriving Show
class Positioned p where
pos :: p -> Pos
instance Positioned TL where
pos = \case
TypeDef p _ _ _ -> p
VarDef p _ _ _ -> p
instance Positioned Exp where
pos = \case
Let p _ _ -> p
Abs p _ _ -> p
App p _ _ -> p
Var p _ -> p
instance Positioned Pos where
pos = id
instance Positioned H.TypeSig where
pos = \case
H.TypeFun p _ _ -> p
H.TypeApp p _ _ -> p
H.TypeVar p _ -> p
class Substitutable a where
apply :: Subst -> a -> a -- ^ apply a substitution
free :: a -> Set Id -- ^ free type variables
instance Substitutable MonoT where
apply s = \case
TCon i -> TCon i
TVar i -> lookupDefault (TVar i) i s
(t1 `TArr` t2) -> apply s t1 `TArr` apply s t2
free = \case
TCon{} -> S.empty
TVar i -> S.singleton i
(t1 `TArr` t2) -> free t1 <> free t2
instance Substitutable PolyT where
apply s = \case
Forall as t -> Forall as (apply (foldr M.delete s as) t)
Mono t -> Mono (apply s t)
free = \case
Forall as t -> free t \\ as
Mono t -> free t
instance Substitutable TypeEnv where
apply s = map (apply s)
free = free . M.elems
instance Substitutable a => Substitutable [a] where
apply = map . apply
free = foldMap free
instance Substitutable Constraint where
apply s (a, b, d) = (apply s a, apply s b, d)
free (a, b, _) = free a <> free b
data TypeError
= Oop -- ^ compiler error (oops)
| UnificationFailure MonoT MonoT
| UnificationRight MonoT MonoT
| InfiniteType Id MonoT
| UnboundVariable Pos Id
| Unimplemented Text
| InvalidTypeDecl
| InvalidConstructor
| ArityMismatch
| AlreadyDefined Pos Id
| MutuallyRecursive (Set Id)
| PositivityCheck Id
deriving Show
type TypeEnv = Map Id PolyT
type Subst = Map Id MonoT
emptySubst :: Subst
emptySubst = M.empty
-- This substution, and that one
(<&>) :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
(<&>) s1 s2 = map (apply s1) s2 <> s1
data CT
= Unify
| UnifyRight
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Constraint = (MonoT, MonoT, CT)
type CheckState = [Id]
initialState :: [Id]
initialState = [1..] >>= map (Id . T.pack) . flip replicateM ['a'..'z']
newtype Infer a = Infer { getInfer :: RWST TypeEnv [Constraint] CheckState (Except TypeError) a }
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadError TypeError
, MonadState CheckState
, MonadReader TypeEnv
, MonadWriter [Constraint]
instance MonadFail Infer where
fail _ = throwError Oop
type Unifier = (Subst, [Constraint])
emptyUnifier :: Unifier
emptyUnifier = (emptySubst, [])
newtype Solve a = Solve { getSolve :: ReaderT Unifier (Except TypeError) a}
deriving ( Functor, Applicative, Monad
, MonadError TypeError
, MonadReader Unifier
instance MonadFail Solve where
fail _ = throwError Oop
type RefNode = (Id, Set Id)
type RefGraph = Map Id (Set Id)