Rachel Lambda Samuelsson rachel
  • Gothenburg, Sweden
  • https://rachel.cafe
  • Interested in type theory, category theory and univalent foundations.

  • Joined on 2022-01-22

A web front-end for youtube-dl

Updated 2022-10-08 14:47:45 +02:00

A vm designed to run functional languages. Unfinished and (currently) abandoned.

Updated 2022-10-08 14:51:37 +02:00

the sources for my website

Updated 2024-01-14 21:07:47 +01:00

psDeriver is a file which lets one define postscript derivations simply.

Updated 2023-07-23 17:48:30 +02:00

A typechecker for intensional MLTT without elaboration.

Updated 2022-10-16 19:58:46 +02:00

my nixos configuration

Updated 2024-04-17 15:41:11 +02:00

An application for viewing album art of the song currently playing in mpd

Updated 2022-10-08 14:49:33 +02:00

A tui client for browsing yts.mx

Updated 2023-07-25 11:58:02 +02:00

A “proof assistant” with holes and implicit arguments. Being developed to learn about elaboration, meta variables and OCaml.

Updated 2023-02-05 17:05:19 +01:00

A hindley-milner typechecker with inductive types.

Updated 2023-01-25 21:39:25 +01:00

Updated 2024-03-19 20:23:36 +01:00

Updated 2023-08-15 10:13:59 +02:00

A literate formalization of categories with families in cubical agda.

Updated 2022-10-28 16:23:43 +02:00

Updated 2023-07-25 13:45:22 +02:00

"modern" haskell implementation of the algorithm described in the paper of the same name.

Updated 2022-05-12 19:01:29 +02:00