added page scrolling

Rachel Lambda Samuelsson 2021-09-20 15:30:10 +02:00
parent 9e833a2e5d
commit ce27b3eca5
6 changed files with 69 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
sort by
handle clipboard errors
write tests

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@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ Contains miscellaneous helper functions which do not fit elsewhere
module Kino.Misc where
import Lens.Micro
import Kino.Types
infixl 3 !?
-- | Safe version of (!!)
(!?) :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
@ -18,3 +22,11 @@ infixl 0 $>
-- | Backwards function application
($>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
x $> f = f x
-- | Given a String, modify our state so that string
-- is displayed as a message, alternatively forcing
-- an exit after the message is aknowledged.
displayMessage :: AppS -> Bool -> String -> AppS
displayMessage s fatal msg = s & appMode .~ Message
& appMessage ?~ msg
& appContinue .~ not fatal

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@ -7,15 +7,18 @@ Description : Contains code for issuing http requests
Contains code for issuing http requests
module Kino.Request (getMovies, queryMovies) where
module Kino.Request (setMovies, defaultOptions) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson hiding (defaultOptions)
import Network.Wreq hiding (Options)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Wreq as WR (Options)
import Kino.Types
import Kino.Misc
-- | Sends a request and unwraps the top level respone data structure
makeRequest :: (FromJSON a) => String -> WR.Options -> IO (Either T.Text a)
@ -25,13 +28,24 @@ makeRequest url opts = do
(JSONResponse "ok" _ (Just d)) -> Right d
(JSONResponse _ m _) -> Left m
-- | Requests a list of all movies
getMovies :: IO (Either T.Text JSONListMovies)
getMovies = makeRequest ""
(defaults & param "limit" .~ ["50"])
-- | Sends a request with the given parameters
getMovies :: WR.Options -> IO (Either SomeException (Either T.Text JSONListMovies))
getMovies = try . makeRequest ""
-- | Requests a list of all movies matching a query term
queryMovies :: T.Text -> IO (Either T.Text JSONListMovies)
queryMovies q = makeRequest ""
(defaults & param "query_term" .~ [q]
& param "limit" .~ ["50"])
-- | The default options for our requests
defaultOptions :: WR.Options
defaultOptions = defaults & param "limit" .~ ["50"]
& param "page" .~ ["1"]
-- | Updates the state given a way to request a new movie listing
setMovies :: AppS -> IO AppS
setMovies s = do
m <- getMovies ((s ^. appReqOpts) & param "page" .~ [T.pack (show (s ^. appPage))])
pure $ case m of
(Left e) -> displayMessage s True (displayException e)
(Right r) -> case r of
(Left t) -> displayMessage s False (T.unpack t)
(Right l) -> s & appListing .~ l
& appCursor .~ 0
& appExpanded .~ False
& appDetails .~ (moviesMovies l !? 0)

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import Data.Aeson.Types
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (Editor(..))
import Lens.Micro.TH
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Network.Wreq as WR (Options)
-- | The general response structure returned by the API
data JSONResponse d = JSONResponse
@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ data AppS = AppS
, _appMessage :: Maybe String -- ^ The message to be shown in message mode
, _appContinue :: Bool -- ^ If to continue after showing message
, _appEditor :: Editor T.Text Ident -- ^ The state for the editor widget
, _appReqOpts :: WR.Options -- ^ The options to use to make our requests
} deriving (Show)
makeLenses ''AppS

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@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ This is the code which interacts with Brick
module Kino.UI (runApp) where
import Control.Exception
import Brick hiding (Direction(..))
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (handleEditorEvent, editorText, editAttr, getEditContents)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
@ -19,6 +17,7 @@ import Graphics.Vty.Attributes (withStyle, reverseVideo)
import Graphics.Vty.Attributes.Color (brightBlack)
import Graphics.Vty.Input.Events
import Lens.Micro
import Network.Wreq
import System.Clipboard
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -40,6 +39,7 @@ initialState = AppS
, _appMessage = Nothing
, _appContinue = True
, _appEditor = editorText Input (Just 1) mempty
, _appReqOpts = defaultOptions
-- | Our brick app specification
@ -56,23 +56,11 @@ app = App
runApp :: IO AppS
runApp = defaultMain app initialState
-- | Updates the state given a way to request a new movie listing
setMovies :: AppS -> IO (Either T.Text JSONListMovies) -> IO AppS
setMovies s mb = do
m <- try mb :: IO (Either SomeException (Either T.Text JSONListMovies))
pure $ case m of
(Left e) -> displayMessage s True (displayException e)
(Right r) -> case r of
(Left t) -> displayMessage s False (T.unpack t)
(Right l) -> s & appListing .~ l
& appCursor .~ 0
& appDetails .~ (moviesMovies l !? 0)
-- | The starting event which grabs the inital listing
startEvent :: AppS -> EventM Ident AppS
startEvent s = do
-- todo move unwrapping our response structure into a function
pure =<< liftIO (setMovies s getMovies)
pure =<< liftIO (setMovies s)
-- | The drawing function which defers to the proper function
-- from UI.Widgets
@ -96,15 +84,17 @@ scroll d s = s & appCursor .~ newCursor
upperLimit = length (moviesMovies (s ^. appListing)) - 1
new = case d of { Up -> subtract 1; Down -> (+1) }
newCursor = max 0 (min upperLimit (new (s ^. appCursor)))
-- | Given a String, modify our state so that string
-- is displayed as a message, alternatively forcing
-- an exit after the message is aknowledged.
displayMessage :: AppS -> Bool -> String -> AppS
displayMessage s fatal msg = s & appMode .~ Message
& appMessage ?~ msg
& appContinue .~ not fatal
-- | Scrolls to the next page
scrollPage :: ScrollDirection -> AppS -> IO AppS
scrollPage d s = do
setMovies $ s & appPage .~ newPage
listing = s ^. appListing
upperLimit = moviesCount listing `div` moviesLimit listing
new = case d of { Up -> subtract 1; Down -> (+1) }
newPage = max 1 (min upperLimit (new (s ^. appPage)))
-- | Copy the magnet link of the focused movie at
-- the given index
@ -126,12 +116,15 @@ eventHandler s (VtyEvent e@(EvKey k _)) =
then continue (s & appMode .~ Browse
& appMessage .~ Nothing)
else halt s
Search -> case k of
(KEnter) -> do
let queryText = T.unlines (getEditContents (s ^. appEditor))
newS <- liftIO (setMovies s (queryMovies queryText))
newS <- liftIO (setMovies (s & appReqOpts %~ (\o -> o & param "query_term" .~ [queryText])
& appPage .~ 1))
continue (newS & appMode .~ Browse)
_ -> continue =<< handleEventLensed s appEditor handleEditorEvent e
Browse -> case k of
(KChar 'q') -> halt s
(KEsc) -> halt s
@ -141,6 +134,11 @@ eventHandler s (VtyEvent e@(EvKey k _)) =
(KDown) -> continue (scroll Down s)
(KUp) -> continue (scroll Up s)
(KChar 'l') -> continue =<< liftIO (scrollPage Down s)
(KChar 'h') -> continue =<< liftIO (scrollPage Up s)
(KRight) -> continue =<< liftIO (scrollPage Down s)
(KLeft) -> continue =<< liftIO (scrollPage Up s)
(KChar ' ') -> continue (s & appExpanded %~ not)
(KEnter) -> continue (s & appExpanded %~ not)

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@ -81,6 +81,12 @@ browseWidget :: AppS -> Widget Ident
browseWidget s =
str "Title" <+> padLeft Max (str "Year")
<=> viewport Listing Vertical (movieWidgets s)
<=> (str ("results: " <> results) <+> padLeft Max (str ("(" <> page <> "/" <> pages <> ")")))
listing = s ^. appListing
results = show (moviesCount listing)
pages = show ((moviesCount listing `div` moviesLimit listing) + 1)
page = show (s ^. appPage)
-- | The message widget which simply shows a message and informs
-- the user of how to escape