did some work on renaming / meta solutions

Rachel Lambda Samuelsson 2023-02-05 17:04:41 +01:00
parent b0fe012f7b
commit 7bc4be31c0
5 changed files with 81 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ type meta = Mv of int
let cMV : int ref = ref 0
let getCMV (_ : unit) =
let c = ! cMV in
let c = !cMV in
cMV.contents <- c + 1;

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ module M = Metaenv
exception Unequal (* todo, better exception *)
let rec conv_tp (len : int) (v1 : V.value) (v2 : V.value) =
match v1, v2 with
match E.force v1, E.force v2 with
| Type, Type -> ()
| T0, T0 -> ()
| T1, T1 -> ()
@ -23,8 +23,10 @@ let rec conv_tp (len : int) (v1 : V.value) (v2 : V.value) =
| Stuck (s1, Type), Stuck (s2, Type) -> conv_stuck len s1 s2
| _ -> raise Unequal
and conv_tr (len : int) (ty : V.value) (v1 : V.value) (v2 : V.value) =
match ty with
and conv_tr (len : int) (ty : V.value) (v1' : V.value) (v2' : V.value) =
let v1 = E.force v1'
and v2 = E.force v2' in
match E.force ty with
| Type -> conv_tp len v1 v2
| T1 -> () (* unit η-law, this still requires evaluation :/ *)
| T0 -> () (* might be nice, why not? *)
@ -45,6 +47,7 @@ and conv_tr (len : int) (ty : V.value) (v1 : V.value) (v2 : V.value) =
| _ -> raise Unequal
(* does not need to force as things are forced in subsequent calls *)
and conv_sp (len : int) (sp1 : V.spine) (sp2 : V.spine) =
match sp1, sp2 with
| (x1, i1, t1) :: xs1 , (x2, i2, t2) :: xs2 ->
@ -55,6 +58,7 @@ and conv_sp (len : int) (sp1 : V.spine) (sp2 : V.spine) =
| [] , [] -> ()
| _ -> raise Unequal
(* does not force as it is called by functions which do force *)
and conv_stuck (len : int) (s1 : V.stuck) (s2 : V.stuck) =
match s1, s2 with
| Var (Lvl i), Var (Lvl j) -> if i == j then () else raise Unequal

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@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ open List
let rec eval (env : V.env) (tr : T.term) =
match tr with
| Var (Ix i) -> nth env i
| Meta (Mv i) -> V.Stuck (V.Meta (Mv i), M.getMetaType i)
| InsMeta (Mv i, c) -> appEnv (V.Stuck (V.Meta (Mv i), M.getMetaType i)) c env
| Meta m -> V.Stuck (V.Meta m, M.getMetaType m)
| InsMeta (m, c) -> appEnv (V.Stuck (V.Meta m, M.getMetaType m)) c env
| Type -> V.Type
| T0 -> V.T0
| Ind0 (B b, t) -> ind0 env b (eval env t)

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@ -1,23 +1,33 @@
module C = Common
module V = Value
open List
module Mv =
type t = C.meta
let compare (C.Mv i1) (C.Mv i2) = Stdlib.compare i1 i2
module MvMap = Map.Make(Mv)
type mentry
= Unsolved of V.value (* type *)
| Solved of (V.value * V.value) (* solution : type *)
let metaEntries : mentry list ref = ref []
let metaEntries : mentry MvMap.t ref = ref MvMap.empty
let getMetaEntry (i : int) =
nth (! metaEntries) i
let getMetaEntry (m : C.meta) =
MvMap.find m !metaEntries
let getMetaType (i : int) =
match getMetaEntry i with
let modMetaEntry (f : mentry MvMap.t -> mentry MvMap.t) =
metaEntries.contents <- f !metaEntries
(* TODO: if not found then insert new meta for the type somehow *)
let getMetaType (m : C.meta) =
match getMetaEntry m with
| Unsolved ty -> ty
| Solved (_, ty) -> ty
let resolveMeta (Mv i : C.meta) =
match getMetaEntry i with
| Unsolved ty -> V.Stuck (V.Meta (Mv i), ty)
let resolveMeta (m : C.meta) =
match getMetaEntry m with
| Unsolved ty -> V.Stuck (V.Meta m, ty)
| Solved (tr, _) -> tr

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@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
module M = Metaenv
module C = Common
module V = Value
module E = Eval
module T = Term
module Lvl =
type t = V.lvl
let compare (V.Lvl i1) (V.Lvl i2) = Stdlib.compare i1 i2
module LvlMap = Map.Make(Lvl)
type pren =
{ dom : int;
cod : int;
ren : V.lvl LvlMap.t;
exception InvertError
let rec invert (len : int) (spine : V.spine) =
match spine with
| [] -> { dom = 0;
cod = len;
ren = LvlMap.empty
| (tr, _, _) :: xs ->
match invert len xs with
| { dom = dom; ren = ren; _ } ->
match E.force tr with
| V.Stuck (V.Var l, _) -> { dom = dom+1;
cod = len;
ren = LvlMap.add l (V.Lvl dom) ren;
| _ -> raise InvertError
and rename (_ : C.meta) (_ : pren) (_ : V.value) = failwith "TODO: rename"
(* use only explicit lambdas when solving metas *)
and lams (len : int) (t : T.term) =
if len == 0
then t
else T.Lam (C.Exp, T.B (lams (len-1) t))
and solve (len : int) (m : C.meta) (sp : V.spine) (rhs : V.value) =
let pren = invert len sp in
let rhs' = rename m pren rhs in
let solu = E.eval [] (lams pren.dom rhs') in
let mety = M.getMetaType m in
M.modMetaEntry (M.MvMap.add m (M.Solved (solu, mety)))